A federal climate bill promised to fix oil leasing. But are the reforms being implemented?

A federal climate bill promised to fix oil leasing. But are the reforms being implemented?

Despite its reputation as the largest climate bill ever enacted in the United States, the...

While politicians skirmish, teachers and staff face life on the front lines

Over the four decades that I’ve known my friend, he’s managed to carve out two...

VIDEO: Conference celebrates life of Robert Laxalt

During a closing address for a conference celebrating the life and work of Basque-Nevadan author...

VIDEO: Conference celebrates life of Robert Laxalt

During a closing address for a conference celebrating the life and work of Basque-Nevadan author...

If it’s legal to track politicians and spouses like wildlife, it shouldn’t be

Like a bitter repeat divorcee who’s cynically always expecting the next romantic partner to betray...

District must show funds improved students’ performance

Since the passage of the pupil-centered funding formula by the Nevada Legislature in the 2019...

D.C. Download: Bank failures, tranquilizers, TikTok, and crime

It’s been a busy week at the Capitol, with federal lawmakers examining what caused Silicon...

Lombardo pulls plug on multimillion-dollar overhaul of software program

Gov. Joe Lombardo canceled implementing a massive state IT project, leaving the state with nothing...

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